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Nordic Food Waste Summit 2023

  • Livsmedelsverket and Nordiska Ministerrådet Karlavägen Stockholm, Stockholms län, 115 26 Sweden (se karta)

Join us for inspiring discussions about how we can step up the fight against food loss and waste at the Nordic Food Waste Summit 26 April 2023 in Stockholm. What are the best practices to reduce food loss and waste? How can we accelerate the progress and how can Nordic co-operation provide added value for national efforts?

Food loss and waste are big sustainability issues with vast effects on our climate and environment. More than a third of all the food produced globally is lost or wasted. In the Nordic countries approximately 3.5 million tons of food are wasted annually. If food waste were a country, it would be the third biggest greenhouse gas emitter in the world. Reducing food loss and waste are key aspects to create sustainable food systems for the health of our environment, climate, and people.  

The Nordic Food Waste Summit will bring together experts, politicians, authorities, businesses and civil society in an effort to increase co-operation and bring about urgent action to reduce food loss and waste. The summit comes at an important time when our food loss and waste need to be reduced.

Learn more!

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